

孙祥望,伏金亮,张莹莹,孙政. 移动扫描技术在建成环境BIM建模中的评估与应用——以某教学楼为例,华中建筑

孙政 张莹莹. 从Disegno反思我国建筑图学教学,建筑师


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Sun, Z.; Zhang, Y. Accuracy Evaluation of Videogrammetry Using A Low-Cost Spherical Camera for Narrow Architectural Heritage: An Observational Study with Variable Baselines and Blur Filters. Sensors 201919, 496.




孙政,张莹莹. 青藏高原佛教寺院地理信息数据库[C]//建成遗产保护技术国际研讨会,上海,2018.

Zhang Yingying, Zhang Hong, Sun Zheng, Effects of Urban Growth on Architectural Heritage: The Case of Buddhist Monasteries in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Sustainability, 2018[10], 1593; doi:10.3390/su10051593

Sun Z, Zhang Y. Using drones and 3D modeling to survey Tibetan architectural heritage: A case study with the multi-door stupa[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(7): 2259.

孙政,曹永康,张莹莹. 基于图像的三维重建在建筑遗产测绘中的应用[J],遗产与保护研究,2018[1]:30-36.

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孙政,曹永康. 基于消费级无人机图像采集的摄影测量在建筑遗产测绘中的精度评估[J].建筑遗产.2017[4].pp 120-127.

Sun Zheng, Cao Yongkang. Applications of integrated digital technologies for surveying Tibetan architectural heritage: three years experience[C]//22th CAADRIA, 2017, Suzhou, China. pp 663 -672.

谢江涛,孙政,华鑫,苏子悦,戎圣修. 参数化工具在建筑遗产低空摄影测量成果分析中的应用[C]//2017全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学研讨会, 2017, 南京. pp 468-473.


Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco, Sun Zheng. A Reality Integrated BIM for Architectural Heritage Conservation. In: Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage[M]. IGI Global, 2016, Hershey, USA. pp 31-65.


Sun Zheng, Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco. BIM-based Architectural Heritage Management: A Case Study of Palladio’s Palazzo Barbaran da Porto[C]//第二届文化遗产保护与数字化国际论坛, 2015, 北京. pp 101-104.

Sun Zheng, Cao Yongkang. Data processing workflows from low-cost digital survey to various applications: three case studies of Chinese historic architecture[C]//25th International CIPA Symposium, 2015, Taipei, China. pp 409-416.

Gaiani Marco, Ballabeni Andrea, Ballabeni Massimo, Sun Zheng. Ricerche tecnologiche ed elementi per un rilievo del colore. In: I portici di Bologna: Architettua, modelli 3D e ricerche tecnologiche[M]. Bononia University Press. 2015, Bologna, Italy. pp 75-94.


Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco, Fallavollita Federico, Ballabeni Massimo, Sun Zheng. Bologna porticoes project: 3d reality-based models for the management of a wide-spread architectural heritage site[C]//5th International Conference, EuroMed 2014, 2014, Cyprus. pp 499-504.


Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco, Sun Zheng. 3D modeling and data enrichment in digital reconstruction of architectural heritage[C]//24th International CIPA Symposium, 2013, Strasburg , France. pp 43-48.

Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco, Fallavollita Federico, Ballabeni Massimo, Sun Zheng, et al. Bologna porticoes project: A 3D repository for WHL UNESCO nomination[C]//Digital Heritage International Congress. 2013. France. pp 563-570.


Apollonio Fabrizio, Gaiani Marco, Sun Zheng. BIM-based modeling and data enrichment of classical architectural buildings[J]. SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology. 2012. pp 41-62.